Protection K9 that is good with children

FAQ about our Boise Idaho protection dogs

1. Is there any continued training after the dog is purchased? Yes, we offer annual Maintenance Training to sharpen our dogs’ obedience and protection skills. This allows our dogs to operate at their best day-in and day-out all year round. Training can take place at our location in Boise, Idaho, or at a location of…

Woman, German Shepherd, luxury cars.

A protection dog is not a gun

Yesterday evening our neighbor stopped by to say hello. He absolutely loves our Family Protection German Shepherd Dogs and was inquiring into their training. As he was standing there – a man we know well, welcomed into our home, and were having a casual conversation with – he looked down at protection dog in-training Freya…

malinois protection dogs boise

Why our protection dogs are expensive

I was recently asked, “What makes your protection dogs worth $70,000 and more?” We know what the industry has to offer and what our dogs are worth. Here’s why our Personal and Family Protection Guard Dogs are expensive: 1. Their pedigrees Our dogs have outstanding pedigrees, and they’re imported from overseas. We didn’t pick these…

blog bonding with guard dog

Bonding with your new protection dog

One of the top questions we are asked is, “Will my new protection dog bond with me?” The quick answer is Yes. Dogs are social animals who enjoy the company of humans. Additionally, we specifically pick dogs who are exceptionally loyal by nature because they make the best personal and family protection dogs. To help…