German shepherd running near white car.

Different types of German Shepherds

The German Shepherd Dog (GSD) is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. But what many people don’t know is that there are show line and working line German Shepherds. A show line German Shepherd is bred for its looks and to compete in the show ring, whereas a working line German…

Well trained and alert protection dog laying down

5 traits we look for in protection puppies

Raising and training a puppy to be a personal or family protection home guard dog is a huge investment. We seek to only provide our clients with the best of the best. Thus, we are extremely selective when it comes to choosing breeders. And our selectiveness doesn’t stop there. With the breeder’s help, we handpick…

Dog on training course performing commands

Training standards for our protection dogs

Growing up my mom always said, “Children should be seen and not heard.” I believe the same is true for a well-trained dog. Of course we love dogs with big personalities who are fun to be around and valued family members, but when it comes to training we want dogs to be reliably obedient and…

Family protection dogs standing side by side

Investing in a protection dog

“The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.”– Benjamin Franklin One of the top questions we get when it comes to our Valor Protection Dogs is, how much? I’m the daughter of a carpenter, and one of the things my dad always tells his customers is,“Good isn’t cheap,…

Guard dog behaving with small child

The Valor Protection Dogs Standard

Our standards are the highest in the industry. We take our job of raising, training and providing top-level Personal Protection and Family Protection Dogs very seriously. We know that dogs of this caliber are hard to come by, and we invest heavily into them early on to ensure they will meet our criteria to pass…

German Shepherd well trained in family protection

Why we started Valor Protection Dogs

Duke saved me It was August 2011 in North Carolina. I was in the military and stationed at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. I had just gotten home from work, and I took the dogs out to the huge empty farm field down the street from my house. With me, I had my Australian Shepherd…

Protection dogs trained for family

Buyer Beware

If you’re in the market for a Personal Protection or Family Protection Dog, beware. Things are not always what they seem. In the dog world, there are countless ways to cut corners and make a quick buck. I have seen and met dogs being sold for protection that I would never allow into my home…